
Hello beautiful Being, and welcome to this stellar space!

My name is Raven Stone, and I’ll bet if you’re reading this, you already have an interest in astrology and like most people, you’re likely aware of your sun sign, yes? And you’re probably curious to know if there is more to astrology than that little slice of stellar insight you’ve come to find on your travels. The answer to that is a definitive yes – you have only just scraped the surface of your cosmic potential. There is SO much more to explore and learn, and in your effort to connect to your celestial divinity, you will find many answers to your questions here.

When we journey through a foreign land, it is sensible that we should carry a map. A phrasebook, a tourist guide or a dictionary for translation to refer to if we should become lost. Travelling through the maze that is astrology can be a bewildering experience for most, but less complicated with a detailed explanation of what we’re looking at and how to navigate it. A well-designed map should provide a reliable and encouraging basis for self-exploration and a deeper understanding of the landscape upon which we find ourselves in life’s great mystery.

And so it is with a birth chart. Devoid of an astrologer’s skill or one’s good knowledge of the grounds, the map remains a foreign array of lines and symbols on paper. Puzzling to say the least.

In a way, a birth chart is a map of the inner landscape. It is your personal planetary profile - a still shot of the stars at the time you were born. It holds information invaluable to your growth and evolution as a human being. It is the duty of an astrologer to interpret the birth chart – to bring the stars to life with words that illuminate both their power and yours. To assist you in developing greater self-awareness and a better understanding of just how influential the stars really are. When you’re lost and uncertain of where to go, what to do and why you’re here, your birth chart can be the ultimate tool in establishing that deeper sense of knowing.

Now, if you’ve read this far, then you’ll be glad to know that my passion lies in genethliacal astrology – the most common form of astrology that is the art of drawing up and reading an individual’s horoscope. I’ve read thousands of them over my 20 years of self-study.

This horoscope outlines the potential of inherent personality traits, characteristics, qualities and attributes from the heavens, and therefore, possible outcomes and manifestations from these potentialities. The signs of the zodiac not only effect the sun, they also effect every other celestial body we know of in our solar system. Our sun signs are just the tip of the iceberg. If astronomy is the study of the physical Universe, then astrology is the study of its soul; the consciousness of the cosmos. And if we are not born separate from the Universe but as a part of it, then I believe it to be the ultimate study of our essential nature.

“We need not launch man into interplanetary space, we need not even take him from his own country or home to subject him to the influence of the cosmos. Man is always at the centre of the Universe, for the Universe is everywhere we are” – Professor Giorgio Piccardi

Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is 12 days old