This Saturday, September 23rd at 4:49pm AEST in the southern hemisphere, we welcome the Spring equinox and the arrival of the pagan celebration of new life: Ostara.
If you are in the northern hemisphere, you will be greeting the Autumn equinox and the celebration of Mabon (the second harvest), exact at the hour that is applicable to your time zone (example: 4:49pm AEST in Los Angeles, California is 11:49pm GMT-7 on the 22nd September).
The equinox’s are a pivotal time in the turning of the seasons where the Sun meets the equator and begins a new cycle (ascending/descending). The term “equinox” is derived from the Latin words “aequi” which means “equal”, and “nox” which means “night”.
In both the southern and northern hemisphere’s, we reach a checkpoint in the solar cycle where daylight hours are equal to night all over the globe. This an energetic threshold that lends opportunity for rebalancing, recalibrating and resetting. At this auspicious time of the year, equity and harmony are woven into all living things on earth and the magic is palpable. This is a powerful time to honour and appreciate the arrival of a new chapter, giving thanks for what has been and what is now to come.
Following the equinox this weekend, we have a full moon in Aries at 06° on September 29th, exact at 7:57pm AEDT. This culmination point in the lunar cycle bears the fruit from the new moon in Aries back on March 22nd (which fell on the last equinox). Consider this full moon a release point - a time to set yourself free. The Aries full moon brings heightened energy and a hair-raising impulse to take a risk or slap a bitch. The conflicting energies of the Aries/Libra axis suggest tension in social dynamics and a real call for a self-centred decision to be made.
October is just around the corner and carries with it celestial events we’ve all been waiting for. Venus preshadow commenced back on June 19th, so after a long and deeply transformative retrograde period that many of us are actually quite lucky to have survived, we can now let the lessons integrate as Venus post shadow ends October 7th.
Pluto stations direct Oct 11th after five months retrograde. This is often an intense planetary shift that invites the truth of a situation to the surface after a long awaited search for deeper meaning. As confronting as this find may initially feel, embrace the revelation. A key to your fate lies within this new discovery. Know your power and remember the things you CAN control.
Just 4 days after Pluto stations direct, the new moon solar eclipse in Libra arrives at 21° and so too does the turbulence that eclipse season brings. This is quite an auspicious eclipse for a number of reasons. We have not had a solar eclipse in this Cardinal air sign since October 2005 and the last lunar eclipse in Libra was back in April 2015. In 2024 however, we have both a solar and lunar eclipse in Libra in the same year. Libra eclipses have a great impact on relationships and social dynamics.
Eclipses are always two weeks apart, so after the solar eclipse, we have a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus at 05°. The Taurus eclipses we’re prominent through 2022, so this celestial event brings karmic stirrings from last year and an opportunity to revisit the themes that were presented to us. Taurus eclipses have a great impact on financial systems, foundations, the material world and our sense of security within it.
Eclipses are intense change-bringers that symbolise major checkpoints in our lives. They carry immense transformative power. In 2023, we have 4 eclipses in total, activating both the cardinal axis and fixed axis.
Solar eclipses carry supreme celestial magic. They affirm that which is presently emerging within the heart of mankind. Their arrival marks a time of exciting new beginnings and fresh starts.
Lunar eclipses are the culmination point where we meet at a crossroads. They symbolise the end of a cycle and can be a complex cauldron of profound energy that shakes, breaks and makes us, forcing great change and memorable realisations.
When we consider the eclipses as ‘wild cards’, these pivotal points in the lunar cycle really bring the monumental moments we don’t ever forget. For all of us, they surely deliver the ‘aha’ moments we never thought possible and the evolution that must occur in order for us to spiritually/emotionally progress.
Love, Crow ♥
Eclipse Survival Guide ::
- Make your decisions after the eclipses pass
- Avoid trying to predict anything and embrace the unexpected
- Make time to rest and reflect
- Keep your energy grounded
- Be prepared to “let go” to “let in” : endings and new beginnings are inevitable
- Ready yourself for change
- Refrain from casting spells or manifesting - let the Universe do the work
- Release control
- Allow the passage of time to shift - go with the flow and follow the path of the least resistance
- Practice gratitude for the gifts eclipses bring
- Face the truth - accept it and move on
- Protect your energy - anchor it all month!
- Avoid taking action under an eclipse
- Avoid gatherings and big events
- Traditionally, people are advised to stay inside during an eclipse