For the last 6 years, I have let my menstrual cycle be my teacher.

No, I haven’t actually read a single book about how to navigate my way through my Moon time. I’m a little bit different in that I’m adverse to being told/shown all the answers - I ache to discover them for myself. I like to start in the dark. So I don’t have any fancy ‘new age’ words to use to describe how empowering and transformational this journey has been, but through experience, I have come to my own bless-ed arrival.

All I’ve had is the opportunity and honour to hear women’s stories, to listen deeply to my sisters and my body speaking, to acknowledge my own unique rhythm, to learn to understand my needs, give myself space and permission, observe, reflect, and value my truth so as to come to a place of absolute integrity.

I have sung over the bones. I have wept over the blossoms. I have thrown fire into the forest. Adorned myself in the ashes. I have knelt by a raging stream and given to my mouth a taste of holiness. I have crawled across the dank floor of the darkest grotto. I have spread my wings before the brightest star. I have lost, I have surrendered, I have opened, I have received, I have accepted, I have healed and I have learned how to live.

Our blood is sacred ~ an infinite well of ancient wisdom and primordial knowledge is held within it.

Our bodies are our greatest guides.

For me, my blood has set me free. And every bleed is a divine ritual; a prayer to the Earth that I cherish, celebrate and worship in great reverence.

My wish, is for you, my sisters, to make the connection, and revel in your feminine Flow.

Current Moon Phase

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