Since the Aries full moon on September 29th, the imminent eclipse portal doors have widened and our journey into its change-bringing terrain has become powerfully clear. Here we stand at the alter of our first solar eclipse in the cardinal air sign of Libra since October 2005. A karmic destiny arrives on the wings of a rare bird.
Balance your broomstick up against your weary bones, witches. As an act of self-love, we must face the aspects of ourselves we’ve been bypassing with “I call bullshit” busy calendars. WE must create the balance we crave - we must BE the peace that we yearn for. So draw the drapes, light a candle, and in sweet reverence to your tender heart, make sacred space to withdraw, listen and reflect on what is most important for you right now.
The new moon is exact at 21° on Sunday 15th October, exact at 4:55am AEDT, bringing with it an amazing visual spectacle appropriately deemed as ‘the ring of fire’. This phenomenon occurs only during an annular eclipse. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun while being at its farthest point away from the Earth. Therefore, the Moon, being farther away, appears smaller than the Sun and doesn’t fully cover the Sun in its entirety as it passes in front of it, which creates the illusion of the "ring of fire".
Sight seers and eclipse enthusiasts all over the globe will be travelling to the west coast of the US and parts of Central America, with Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama as the most aligned vantage points.
Eclipses are turbulent ground and often trigger the existential crisis we’ve been trying desperately to avoid or never knew possible. Intense and unsettling in nature, eclipses symbolise major checkpoints in our lives. They carry immense transformative power - they shake us, break us and make us, forcing us to release our grip on the old and familiar so as to step into the bolder, more evolved versions of ourselves. With the south node activation, this is an eclipse for surrendering, relinquishing or letting something go.
Solar eclipses particularly carry some supreme celestial magic. These eclipses offer space for introspection and affirm that which is presently emerging from deep within. Their arrival marks a time of exciting new beginnings and fresh starts brought about by renewed perspective. This particular eclipse event is an initiation - a rite of passage - with relationships, social dynamics, decision-making and negotiations being a primary theme. It is a time to dive into the dark inner realms; to face the shadow elements of self - to acknowledge, heal and release that parts of our past which no longer serve our journey forth into a new season of our lives.
When we consider the eclipses as ‘wild cards’, these pivotal points in the lunar cycle really bring about the monumental moments we don’t ever forget. Get ready for the epiphanies you’ve been anticipating and the surprise events you didn’t see coming. The altered mindset that lends opportunity for spiritual growth and emotional progression is coming in real quick.
With Venus as the ruler of this Libra lunation, our intention setting for this new cycle will hold emphasis on love, unity, compromise, mediation, partnerships, soul contracts, and fairness. A fresh perspective surrounding relationships with others and with ourselves is unavoidable. As we align with what we value most at this time, the people and places that no longer match our frequency, naturally fall away.
Venus sits at 05° in the virgin sign of Virgo opposing Saturn, the hard taskmaster. Venus in Virgo is devotional, analytical, discerning, modest, and practical. She is discontent and unhappy as fuck in opposition with this great malefic planet in such a watery sign. This aspect brings conflict between our duties and our desires. It’s a thesis on “boundaries in real time”. It reveals where relationship holds responsibility and how obligation can limit or restrict our self-expression, causing stagnant energy and resentment. With Mercury conjunct the Moon and in minor aspect to Saturn in this mix, what prevents us from experiencing peace and pleasure is a hot topic of discussion. What holds us back from achieving optimum health and well-being is being heavily considered.
Venus in Virgo’s meticulous ways wants for us to self-improve, and in order for us to reach this divine vision, we must enter into a process of sacred assimilation. By using discernment and practicing humility, Venus in Virgo sees us culling the crap and cleaning up our act until only the purist parts of ourselves are left to be nourished and nurtured.
With Venus opposing Saturn, we need to take a good, hard look at the walls we’ve built between ourselves and others with the bricks of fear and self-pity. Behind those walls, we’ve become isolated, apathetic and distant. Healthy relationships will invite us to encounter aspects of ourselves we’d rather not confront, but in facing the sensitivities we conceal behind those self-constructed barriers whilst being held in the arms of love, we invite a heightened sense of self-awareness and self-perception in to challenge the construct we’ve become so comfortable living in. By laying down our armour, embracing vulnerability, and allowing others to hold up the magic mirror, we open ourselves up to essential healing and self-reconciliation, which in turn assists the development of SELF-love.
The bottom line: emit your vibe, attract your tribe. Courage my dear. Courage.
Our social environment holds so much power over who we are. As social creatures, even temporary encounters can cast the most profound shadows and reflections.
As divine manifestations of Self, the people in our lives can teach us so much about ourselves. If you’re currently in a challenging situation with a person or group, you’re actually sitting on a gold mine - an opportunity to recognise what you are and what you are not. A chance to catch a glimpse of the real You.
With Mars conjunct the south node, I will simply say, conflict resolution is a basic life skill so many of us seem to find difficult. Too many souls are left entangled in discord and unsettling misunderstandings from too long ago. The anger and resentment is where illness is born from.
The theme here isn’t just relationships - it is RELATING. I used to think communication was the answer until I realised comprehension is. Peace can only be achieved by understanding. Sometimes we need to hear what isn’t being said. To have someone understand you is a different kind of intimacy - it is an extended hand with a motive to unite and a doorway to a kind of forgiveness that repairs all that ails us. Even if we don’t understand, the offer to listen to the other side is paramount.
As the dawn of a new season awaits you, build your empire on the foundations of what you value most. Your awareness, diligence and application to these personal values shapes your world and how you interact with it.
Ponder upon the misconception of doing what others expect you to be doing right now. People-pleasing is dead in this chapter. Instead of falling into the role of the mediator or peace-keeper, pay attention to your relationship with yourself first and foremost and make your decisions from a place of absolute authenticity.
The North Node in Aries activates our passions and leads us down untried paths, while the South Node in Libra signifies a time for us to focus on establishing balance in our relationships, prioritising pleasure and self-love.
Through this unpredictable eclipse territory, focus your attention on what you CAN control. Bring awareness to your reactions and take full accountability for your attitude in the face of great change.
Crow ♥
• Create sacred space for setting new intentions
• Refrain from attempting to ‘charge’ your crystals or any other special objects
• Focus your attention on what you CAN control. Bring awareness to your reactions and take full accountability for your attitude in the face of change.
• Practice acceptance surrounding endings and new beginnings
• Release your fears and embrace the unknown. Expansion and growth occurs when we step out of our comfort zone.
• Eclipse portals are not the best time for casting spells. Wait until the dust settles in early November.
• Eclipses however, are excellent energy for divination, so use your tarot cards, mirrors, bones, coins or oracle decks to ask your guides how best to navigate this terrain. Be clear with your questions. Example: “what does this eclipse mean for me?”
• Give yourself time and space to process your emotions and answers
• Energy is intense during a solar eclipse - you may feel to stay home and create a safe, protective place
• Unapologetically cancel plans if you’re feeling ‘off’. Take care of yourself.
• Set boundaries and rest when you need
• Journal, meditate, and be observant. Try not to get too swept up in the chaos.
• Stay grounded and act with integrity
- Diplomacy
- Negotiations
- Decisions / Indecision
- Relationships/partnerships
- Contracts
- Balance
- Unity
- Peace
- Social dynamics
- Relating
- Mediation and therapy
- Understanding
- Feeling
- Justice systems
- Harmony
- Symmetry
- Love
- Creativity
- Beauty and self-image
- Fair play
- Grace
- Cooperation and Collaboration