Full Moon in Aries

The full moon is exact at 7:57pm AEST at 06° in the self-willed sign of Aries, Friday, September 29th.

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is assertive, explorative, restless, freedom-loving, high-spirited and self-seeking. This full moon has a me-first attitude destined to create some conflict on the home front. It’s excitable, ambitious and capable of combustion.

A full moon represents a culmination point in the lunar cycle making the energies surrounding this celestial climax quite profound when we look back on the new moon in Aries that occurred March 22nd. During the Aries new moon, we laid the seeds of our intention at the dawn of the astrological new year, and now, the fruits of our labour are ripe for the picking. In our hot little hands, there may be tangible evidence for our efforts and the quality of that evidence is a manifestation of our steady devotion to those previous new moon objectives.

The Aries/Libra cardinal axis is activated by this full Moon for the first time since the nodes switched back in mid July, so the themes of this full moon are a real precursor to next months eclipses, particularly the new moon in Libra on Sunday October 15th.

The moon represents our inner world and our emotions. When it’s full, it serves as a spotlight, magnifying and revealing hidden truths. It illuminates feelings being carried deep within.
A full moon is also a powerful release point and with the influence of impulsive Aries and a conflicting position for Mars (Aries ruler) in Libra, the energy suggests tension in social dynamics and a yearning to make a self-centred decision that will act as fuel on a fire. Thankfully, the Venus/Mars sextile offers hope for reconciliation and a remedy conjured through heart-centred mediation, but, not until the flames from a solid adult tantrum settle the fuck down and some reasoning can be brought to the cinders of our inordinate will.

A rather disarming opposition between Mars and Chiron is worth a mention. Chiron represents the Wounded Healer and the Shaman within us all. This combination brings up the patterns of ancestral pain, childhood trauma, suffering and deep hurt, but ... like golden keys gleaming in the eye of our inner Warrior and Seer, the fearful, unhealed parts of ourselves are available for us to unlock and unblock. Remember your soul mission, and be brave. Stand up for yourself.

The Aries/Libra opposition is the bridge between sovereignty and dependency. It activates themes relating to self and others. It teaches us to cultivate conscious awareness around our interpretations of other people’s behaviour in accordance with our own state of Self/self-image. This axis acts as a magic mirror - what we see on the outside is often a result of what we’ve attracted from the inside. To bring something into being, we have to dare to believe that it’s already here. We don’t always attract what we want - we attract what we feel, and this is the voice of Venus shining through on our outer world. Mars gets a say in how we act in this manifestation.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action and self-assertion. Libra is a cardinal air sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and reciprocity. This lunation really highlights the conflict between our independence and partnership dynamics. Being an Aries full moon with Mars in Libra, the primal urge is in finding the confidence to put ourselves first instead of falling into the pothole of persuasive powers and people-pleasing.

Libra energy has a tendency to vacillate - to sit on the fence of indecision, weighing up the odds far longer that it should in an effort to avoid an ugly confrontation, but sometimes the situation calls for a sudden “no-fucks-given” approach where door slamming, bird flipping and a very distinct “sit on this and rotate” spat from raging lips, truly open the doors to wonderful new possibilities.

That leads us to the following questions. Are you in a place right now where your autonomy feels compromised? Is there space to negotiate this and find a balance point between your own personal goals and desires and those of others involved? Are you maintaining your identity through your experience or are you getting swept up in a unified mentality?

Remember, if you walk in the footprints of others, you’ll never make tracks of your own.

As you move forward, have courage in your own convictions, even if they cause a scene. Be honest with yourself. Make your actions meaningful. A fierce sense of purpose combined with unwavering self-assurance gets you off the fence and into the bosom of the life you should be living. Do not accept defeat.


Crow ♥




  • Enterprising
  • Impulsive
  • Child-like
  • Spirited
  • Courageous
  • Confident
  • Innocent
  • Naive
  • Explorative
  • Active
  • Self-seeking
  • Assertive
  • Bold
  • Enthusiastic
  • Quick-reacting
  • Excitable
  • Impatient
  • Restless
  • Thoughtless
  • Passionate
  • Self-willed
  • Aggressive
  • Reckless
  • Freedom-loving
  • Self-reliant
  • Ambitious