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The new moon is exact at 11:39am AEST at 21° Virgo on Friday 15th September. Ruled by the swift-moving planet Mercury, Virgo is a mentally alert, mutable-earth sign that is hypercritical, analytical, practical, helpful and efficient. This meticulous energy is exactly what we need right now to get our shit together - to organise, declutter, and tidy up this mad cluster fuck we’ve found ourselves in since Mercury stationed retrograde on August 21st and 6 other planets joined in the fun.
This often cringy opportunity to slow down, reflect, review, reassess and reevaluate has been especially applicable to work and health related themes with Mercury in its ruling sign of Virgo. Get the bubbly ready folks because Mercury stations direct at 08° just 19 hours after the new moon at 6:21am Saturday. Cheers to that.
Symbolised by the Virgin Goddess of Fertility, Virgo is the exemplary purist and ultimate devotee. Virgo’s energy invites the development of constructive healing methods and self-improvement practices, so tune into what is being called forth into wholeness at this time in your life and set intentions to bring this to fruition come the full moon in Virgo on the 24th February 2024. (Yeah, soz, Rome wasn’t built in a day babe).
The Sun and Moon’s opposition to Neptune in Pisces activates and accentuates this mutable axis, drawing out the qualities of both mysticism and methodology. The Virgo/Pisces relationship carries the magic of the mind - the sway between fantasy and reality and our psychological well-being within the two worlds that are both chaos and order. The desire to escape and the need to stay grounded are feelings we all experience. This dance between the intangible great ocean and the factual fish bowl reminds us that matter is never without spirit. Take this with you while you goal set and make plans. Ambitions cannot be fulfilled without the inner drive (spirit) and a tangible strategy (matter). Spirit is what we ARE and matter is a manifestation of how we express it, so hold the dream and conjure the drive to make it happen.
Evaluating life through details and logic, Virgo is the quintessential editor, communicator and examiner. If there’s a fault or defect in your life right now, this new moon will ensure that the fatal flaws are magnified and given immediate attention. This is made profoundly so with Mercury’s opposition to Saturn, the great malefic. Before you reach for your life lines in a sudden episode of epic whinges and a self-motivated depression diagnosis, you must know that this aspect has a tendency to focus on difficulties, challenges and troubles. Do your best to lean more toward task-orientated duties and projects that require mental discipline in an effort to tip the scales in your favour. Take a mature approach. Use this energy to organise and focus, taking long term visions into consideration. Nobody enjoys pushing shit up a hill on their own, so if the going gets tough, call the only elder you know who has the gift of turning hard times into even worse ones. Self-parenting is a bitch, right?
The Moon’s tightest aspect is a trine to Uranus, the harbinger of drastic change. When these two luminaries are speaking on good terms, we have a recipe for revolution in our personal lives and daily routines. If you’ve been feeling domestically stuck in the mud and emotionally blocked, upgrades and progressions are on the cards. Uranus is electric energy that makes us feel spontaneous, liberated and alive, so expect the unexpected and make room for exciting new surprises.
This new moon in Virgo, we are being called to sift through the systems of our lives, noticing the significance in the details, the power of the little things, and how these effect the order of our world in its entirety. This sacred assimilation process will help us to find the most pure essence, and only this shall become part of the new whole. Notice where you devote your time the most. These investments will show us where our priorities lay and where we can do better, and it doesn’t have to be perfect to be great. Do your best to make small, meaningful improvements.
If your to-do lists are finally getting the attention they deserve right now, you’re on the right track. Keep up the good work. Ride this rush of realism and get productive before October’s eclipse season sets in.
This new moon, analyse, decontaminate, filter, and refine. Focus on functionality. And for fuck sake, clean your room.
Crow ♥
Virgo Energy :
Discerning • Orderly • Analytical • Clean • Humble • Devoted • Ritualistic • Systematic • Skilled • Smart • Fussy • Discriminating • Methodical • The Helper • Precise • Pedantic • Nervous • Hygienic • Health Orientated • Adaptable • Concerned with Details • Perfectionist
Ritual Suggestions and Practical Magic :
- Make a to-do list
- Clean the house
- Label and organise
- Offer your services
- Lend a helping hand
- Start a health routine that benefits you in the long term
- Ground any nervous energy with practical tasks
- Spend time in nature reflecting on the divine order of all living things
- Withdraw and take some time out to focus on your well-being
- Focus on the fulfilment of your work - what are your goals in this area of your life?
- Refine your spiritual practice
- Declutter
- Create new systems that make daily life flow more efficiently
- Look at the little things but don’t lose yourself in them
- Improve on a skill
- Bring order to the chaos with clear intentions
- Invest time in journaling and writing - bring those vague, subconscious stirrings into full awareness