Happiness Is

Happiness Is

When I’m not star weaving, mapping, tracing angles and degrees of celestial planes, decoding the language of earth-side arrivals with ecstatic fingers, I’m outside, walking through the fields, following trails and tracks that lead to my innermost wild. Life is as...
Blood Rituals

Blood Rituals

For the last 6 years, I have let my menstrual cycle be my teacher. No, I haven’t actually read a single book about how to navigate my way through my Moon time. I’m a little bit different in that I’m adverse to being told/shown all the answers – I ache to...
Crow Woman

Crow Woman

I am not a soft woman. I am rarely tender, and if you have witnessed tenderness in me, you are one of very few. I am not a woman who oscillates when making big decisions. I make them. Full stop, with an ordinate and thriving will. I am a woman who makes mistakes and...


Familiar faces, they’re coming and going. The people who really know me are few and far between and I don’t see that as a deficit. I feel incredibly different. It’s in the way I talk, the way I walk, the way I hold myself. At first I thought it was a down-hill spiral...
Beautiful Human

Beautiful Human

I am absolutely done with the idea that only positive people are nice to be around. Fuck that facade right off. I don’t want nice. I want honest. I want magick. I want real, uncensored emotion. Happiness in its finest octaves, snorting from a belly bouncing with...