by treeAdmin | Sep 15, 2019 | Life
When I’m not star weaving, mapping, tracing angles and degrees of celestial planes, decoding the language of earth-side arrivals with ecstatic fingers, I’m outside, walking through the fields, following trails and tracks that lead to my innermost wild. Life is as...
by treeAdmin | Sep 15, 2019 | Life
For the last 6 years, I have let my menstrual cycle be my teacher. No, I haven’t actually read a single book about how to navigate my way through my Moon time. I’m a little bit different in that I’m adverse to being told/shown all the answers – I ache to...
by treeAdmin | Sep 15, 2019 | Life
I am not a soft woman. I am rarely tender, and if you have witnessed tenderness in me, you are one of very few. I am not a woman who oscillates when making big decisions. I make them. Full stop, with an ordinate and thriving will. I am a woman who makes mistakes and...
by treeAdmin | Sep 15, 2019 | Life
Familiar faces, they’re coming and going. The people who really know me are few and far between and I don’t see that as a deficit. I feel incredibly different. It’s in the way I talk, the way I walk, the way I hold myself. At first I thought it was a down-hill spiral...
by treeAdmin | Sep 15, 2019 | Life
I am absolutely done with the idea that only positive people are nice to be around. Fuck that facade right off. I don’t want nice. I want honest. I want magick. I want real, uncensored emotion. Happiness in its finest octaves, snorting from a belly bouncing with...
by treeAdmin | Sep 15, 2019 | Life
Stop apologising. Apologies mean nothing when they’re said too often. With mindfulness and meaningful intent, sorry is a powerful word, but sometimes we blindly ask for pardon upon a trigger that isn’t even our own. What we’re actually doing is pitying another’s...